Supporting Research
and Education in the
Field of Bioenergetics


The Institute of Bioenergetics is a non-profit dedicated to awakening the mainstream scientific and healthcare communities to the benefits of bioenergetic and information biophysics triggering change towards more effective health solutions that are more affordable with less to zero side effects.

In addition, due to a greater appreciation of the physics based rules of reality, it also leads to a higher level of consciousness across society that ripples through education, government, companies, families, and individuals.

At the core of this is providing enough evidence of fundamental mechanisms, such as field based cellular communication, field based cellular repair mechanisms, different methods of field transmission, effects (existing and new) on tissue cultures, and clinical results for select disease processes.

Institute Objectives


To conduct fundamental & clinical
research into Bioenergetics.


To educate the public about the results
& how Bioenergetics can help people.


Support initiatives that help integrate bioenergetics into the broader healthcare ecosystem.

What is Bioenergetics?

Bioenergetics is the study, detection, and correction of energy in living systems. Its goal is to restore health and vitality and allow people to live life on their own terms, pursuing their dreams and having meaningful time with those they love.

While much of today’s medical approach is based on the chemistry of the body, chemistry itself is driven by physics – by the exchange of energy (electrons) between molecules. What’s more, physics provides us with faster and more efficient forms of communication in the body than chemistry does, explaining what we actually see in the body vs. what could be explained by the nervous system or hormones alone.

So when we want to get to the root of how the body works and how to power its healing, we absolutely need to address the energy of the body, and this is the purpose of bioenergetics.

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What people are saying about Bioenergetics…

One of my clients had tried many other avenues to help her with chronic sinus issues and general tiredness from being chronically unwell for so long. Within one month… she recovered her sense of smell for the first time in years. She continued to get better in the following weeks
Bioenergetic Practitioner

I used to have this unusual feeling. It would suddenly come over me. It was a feeling like my whole body was shutting down. It began almost like a seizure. I would think, oh, here it comes. Then my energy would begin to fade… Over the course of 1 year, the shut down strength and frequency began to fade, until finally they stopped completely. [Bioenergetic remedies] are the work of genius and inspiration.
Bioenergetic Practitioner

I had black mold exposure… I was extremely fatigued, swelling, ankles swelled. I noticed more energy within 3 weeks… I no longer have fatigue or swelling. It will be a year in April that I started.
Anonymous Client